Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ride to Kulai

After I returned from my last driving practice before the TP Practical Test next Wednesday, we had lunch at home before setting out for Kulai with intent of catching a seafood dinner before returning home.

The time was around half past noon when we started our journey. The weather was incredibly hot and it certainly sapped our energy at a much higher rate. The new, confusing roads linking the new Malaysian Customs Complex and strong headwind didn't either. Usually, I would just go down to Bandaraya and take the Jalan Skudai but today I decided to try the highway straight from the checkpoint. I would not even call it a highway and it seems longer too. I guess I will just take Jalan Skudai if I were to head by the West Coast in the future.

Anyway, we reached Senai and subsequently Kulai Utama at around half past three. I thought I lost Dad and he was in fact lost and couldn't me through his HP. I was actually waiting for him ahead and after quite some time, he pulled up. We were at Giant so we decided to take a look around before dinner. Time to spam yogurt and ice-cream!

Unfortunately, the seafood stalls were closed when we were done with our "shopping". Dad was unwilling to cycle up further ahead where I had my dinner when I rode solo from Malacca to Singapore. Hence, we started cycling back.

I could see that Dad was exhausted. We decided not to have dinner at Bandaraya, so we headed for the Causeway and crossed to Woodlands before having a meal at the hawker centre. Sliced fish soup with rice plus ice kachang for desert. It was simply marvellous.

Stomach filled, helmet on, lights on, we headed for home =) Yay!

We saw so many emergency vehicles in Malaysia today. At least 4 ambulances and a couple of police cars. On the way back, one of the police cruisers sped past me with lights flashing. And a while later, I ran into a fire engine with sirens wailing. But the ambulances are the best man! If SCDF drives like this, I wonder how many more lives will be saved or lost! On the way to Kulai, 2 ambulances sped past in the opposite direction, hitting more than a 100km/h with sirens at full blast. As they approached a junction with the traffic lights not in their favour and a couple of vehicles at a halt in front, the driver of the lead ambulance blasted his horn and immediate the drivers of the civilian vehicles moved across the junction against the traffic signals! Wow... the ambulances sped past, barely stopping! I guess Malaysians are not so fixated with rules.

Total distance: 90km
Money spent: $6 ~
Participants: LSH, Dad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.. sounds like quite an adventure. lols