Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sembawang Circuit: 6.3km run

When you have more time on hand, you do weird things. Running was never my hobby, but I find myself pounding the pavement way more regularly than I ever did. For the last couple of years, I rode, rode and rode. My cycling mileage per week has not decreased since, instead, it has increased; and now running has become a form of cross training. Without passion, interest will not last and only time will tell. In fact, when university starts, I will probably be too tired cycling to and fro from school to run regularly.

My mind tends to wander and I see parts of my life flashback in my head. It is funny when I recall my unrealized childhood dreams and how much I have deviated from the goals I set many years back. I thought I had finally plotted out a path in life when I hit JC but a few years on, I am still at square one, as clueless as ever.

When I imagine myself ten years down the road, I can see a couple of possibilities. The first, I go where the wind blows. My parents were horrified when I said I may consider taking a few years off my prime to circum-navigate the world. They pointed out that such a lifestyle may not be fulfilling and I may regret it in my later years. Well, no one will really know until then, right? Then again, I guess I understand how they feel when I am away from home courting danger in some "ulu" place.

There are times that I yearn to find that guiding compass to show me the way and stabilise my "exciting" life. Perhaps I have strayed way off the path that God intends his children to take. The idea of a settled lifestyle seems comforting.

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