Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Bike Compass

What do you do with a used watch compass which strap is broken and compass head threatening to fall off its mount? Logical answer: Throw it away since you have got a new replacement for like $0.30.

Well, I was pondering over its fate when an idea struck me. You see, my map case had a nice Velcro strip which dropped off and I had kept that piece of Velcro. On long bike journeys which require navigation, I usually put the compass onto my watch which I will then strap onto the handlebars. I could very well do with a bike compass without the need of a watch.

I managed to pierce a needle through the rubber mount of the compass, which meant I could effectively sew it down to a strap, which was exactly what I did. The strap consisted one side of a Velcro strip - I sewed a shorter piece of the opposite side on its back. I glued back the broken strap and compass head - they seem to hold out fine. As the final touch, I rummaged through my bike supplies and found a rubber damper. Perfect. Now the compass can fit both smaller and larger handlebars. =)

The finished product - a snapshot (left) and mounted (right)

All I need now is a stress test. The expedition tomorrow will be the perfect opportunity. We shall see if it can withstand the rigours of mountain biking as well as the harsh weather conditions.

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