Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A matter of costs

I estimate that cycling to camp shaves about $4 off my transport fees, per return trip. In total, I get to save from $8 (by cycling on 2 weekdays) to about $16 (by cycling on 4 weekdays) a week. Total journey time from home takes about 35min, covering a distance of about 12km at a leisurely pace.

Up to date, all fixed and variable costs arising from the purchase of my bike, miscellaneous equipment and spare parts have amounted up to slightly over $1000. Over a period of 19 months, this means a daily cost of about $1.80 (30 days a month). Base on an average of 2 return trips to work a week and a full day expedition during the weekend (consider rental fee of $10 a day) with the use of public transport and a rental bike for the weekend trip, I will potentially incur a cost of $2.60 per day. To sustain this passion over 19 months, $1482 will be needed as compared to the more economic $1000 investment in a personal bike.

At this rate of cycling, I have definitely "broken even" =)

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