Sunday, December 7, 2008

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2008

Bro and I took part in the 10km Team (Mixed) competitive category while Dad was entered in the 10km Men's Open. This year's Singapore Marathon was just as well-organised and I guess only the Army Half Marathon is as large / larger in terms of number of runners. While the Army Half Marathon covered roads, parks and pavements, the SCSM is mostly confined to the main roads. Nonetheless, it was an enjoyable run. The water points were generally well-placed and long enough to prevent over-crowding. However, they were all pretty standard as compared to the AHM where each water point was covered by the different Army Formations and had their own colours and vibrancy in decor.

I couldn't believe it when my stomach started to hurt after the first 2km. I had taken care not to drink any other beverages other than plain water before the run but my breakfast still tossed in my gut, slowing me down. Still, it was not as bad as the Swing KPE Run where I felt my watery breakfast choking me off and had to slow down to a walk. This time, I pushed on, trying to expand my energy into faster strides and by the 5km mark, the pain subsided. My breakfast had probably been digested, which was a pretty good thing as I could pick up pace.

Obviously, my fitness level had dipped. I managed to pick away the more weary runners but several cross country guys from different athletic associations overtook me and I simply had no reply. There was this small RI boy who zipped past. The onlookers were amazed and they thought he was cute. He was. Even my burst of pace nearing the finish wasn't that fast and my muscles protested. Perhaps the 260km ride earlier this week had taken its toll.

I finished with a time of 44: 49 (mm:ss), good enough to be satisfied with but perhaps a sign of decreasing fitness. Nonetheless, the team did a good job and we (Team Innova) came in overall 7th! That's worth celebrating as we had worthy opponents from the various XC and athletic associations / schools.

Distance run: 10km
Timing: 44 min 49 sec
Participants: LSH, Dad, Bro and his IJC team-mates

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