Thursday, January 1, 2009

The way to spend the first day of 2009

The New Year - A public holiday, and what better way to spend it by going for a good long ride?

I have to admit I had not much of an idea to spend New Year day and it so happened that Gordon was free in afternoon, so we met at Bishan MRT at 2.30pm and headed for East Coast Park via the Balestier Road - Sims Ave - Mountbatten Road route.

As expected, East Coast Park was congested - with humans and their bicycles. It was definitely a test of our technical handling skills and Gordon was unfortunate enough to have people almost colliding into him on quite a few occasions. As we were heading towards the end, the chain of his Polygon Helios slipped off, and as he pulled over, a cute small boy peddled straight into the rear of his bike. It was not much of an impact even; the force was not even enough to sway Gordon on his bike! Alas, there were a few scratches on his left chainstay =( It pains me every time my bike gets scratched. I understood how he felt at that moment.

Us at East Coast Park (left); Changi Village (right)

I guess the downpour marked the arrival of 2009! We sloughed through the storm towards Changi Village, much to the amusement of many who had sought shelter. Come on man, a downpour won't kill =P

Gordon (left), Sher Hern (right)

We had a meal at the Changi Village hawker centre before setting off. I was freezing cold at that instant but my body soon warmed up. We left for our separate ways at the junction of Tampines Road and Hougang Ave 7. It was 8pm when I reached home.

What a ride to mark the New Year!

Total distance: 83km

Money spent: $3
Participants: LSH, Gordon

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