Sunday, September 28, 2008

Little India

Sembawang - Orane Concept - Woodlands Centre - Upper Bukit Timah - Dunearn - Little India - Serangoon - Ang Mo Kio - Lentor - Sembawang

Went on a short trip with Gordon today. Before lunch, I was patching a punctured tube. As I could not locate the puncture, I had to put the damn thing under water and look out for the air bubbles escaping from the surface of the rubber. At last, I spotted the hole. Air was leaking from a patched area that had not been well patched the last time a puncture occured. Getting down to work, the problem was fixed within minutes with a cold patch kit.

The head-wind on route to Upper Bukit Timah was rather strong such that I was on gear "2-6" and unable to switch down to a faster combination. However once we hit Bukit Timah Road, the wind had died down and we picked up speed. We had a rest and chat at Little India. Tekka Market was under renovation and had moved to its temporary premises at Race Course Road. A cup of Bandung and some goreng pisang certainly boosted my energy and we headed for Serangoon. Gordon broke off for home and I continued to Sembawang via AMK and the super busy Lentor Avenue. As usual, I had to accelerate quickly from stand-still to over 30km/h just to get across the filter road from the expressway.

Back home, it was bike maintenance. I had been too lazy to clean the gears and chain for the past 3 weeks so now it was time to do some hard work. Dirt had accumulated and I used WD-40 (or some even cheaper alternative) to spray down the dirt before wiping the gears clean with a piece of rag. Pulling through the cogs was no laughing matter. It was tedious like hell. Next, I moved on to the chain and repeated the process. Satisfied that the drivetrain was shiny enough, I coated the system with Singer oil. Then, it was time to dismantle the seat. After 3 weeks of off-roading, sand and grime had gathered underneath the seat and it creaked every time I rolled over a bump. Get rid of the sand, apply a coat of oil, problem solved.

Total distance: 52km
Money spent: $2
Participants: LSH, Gordon

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