Friday, July 24, 2009

8 July 2009 (Day 3): Mui Ne, Vietnam

At around 7.45pm, we caught a bus to Mui Ne. There was this Korean lady who was travelling alone and I always marvel at the independence and strong wills of backpackers and adventurers who do it solo.

I bought rambutans along the way and it was literally my lunch. When we reached Mui Ne, we had a rented jeep and the driver took us to the first stop - the Fairy Stream. It was beautiful but the kids who acted as guides were persistent and very demanding in their requests for tips. Their greed was insatiable although we gave them quite a bit of money. Next, we visited the floating village where we collected some shells. The most fun stop was the white sand dunes where we basically destroyed a rented slide with our antics. There, we happened to meet a group of Singaporeans too. The yellow sand dunes was the last stop and I discovered my phone was jammed with sand. I had quite a big problem knocking out the sand which caused scratches and jammed both the slider and the keypad.

The jeep dropped us off at the tour agency and we went off in search of dinner. Coincidentally, we ran into the same group of Singaporeans and we had a BBQ dinner, which was not too great in my opinion. The other group found it good though. Time flies when we are having fun and it was soon time to part ways.

We never expect the best part to be back at the tour agency where we found ourselves playing with the local kids. Our bus was scheduled to arrived at 1am (GMT + 7hrs) and we had so much time to kill. The kids (Hong - 16, 14, Na - 12, Long - 8, May - 4 and 2) hung around the tour agency and they started playing with Lim Hwee and before long, we were all running an amusement park. The lady manning the agency closed shop at around 10pm but we continued our fun late into the night until the kids had to sleep. They were so reluctant to leave! I guess we all felt sad that when morning came, we would be long gone. I am sure they will remember us for a long time.

Our bus came a little late along the opposite side of the road and we were alarmed when it did not stop for us. When it came back down the road, we waved and stood right in front of the bus. Goodbye, Mui Ne.

Total expenses over 18 days: S$535
Participants: LSH, Zi Kai, Jing Kai, Lim Hwee

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